We had the honor to host a regional conference of Ananda Marga here in Baan Unrak. The theme of the conference was “A Journey Back Home”.

It signifies the Journey that every human must undergo in order to come to know their true essence. To find that point of equipoise and peace hidden in everybody’s heart.
We wanted to give the best to all our guests. That required a lot of work and sacrifice from everyone included the children. And they did their best, as many of the grownups were absent due to the vacation time.
The first to come one early afternoon were two monks of Ananda Marga, also called Dadas. They were very impressed with our children and our children very attracted by them.
The long hair and bears, the flowing orange robes, their magnetic smile. Everything was unusual and interesting. One of them was also a master skateboarder, and beside that, he was a former champion of Muay Thai. The time that our children spent with them was enjoyable.
After few days, more Dadas and Didis (monks and nuns of Ananda Marga) came. We listened to their talks, stories and jokes, and also chanted and meditated with them.

After the Acharya meeting, we expected more Ananda Marga guests. This time they were family people, and some of them brought their children too. They came from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. We had more than 70 guests all together. Our facility was very full.

They had their special meetings, and from our side we made sure to join them in most of their meditation sections. Incredibly, together with them we could easily extend our 15 minutes chants and 15 minutes meditation to 20 minutes and sometime to 30 minutes. It was amazing to be with them, as it is among family members.

We longed to have even more time to spend with our guests. In the last day of the conference we had the opportunity to perform for all of them. We gave our best, we sang our best songs and danced our best dances. It was so engaging and enchanting.
The next day most of our friends were leaving, but some decided to remain over for a very unique spiritual excursion, discovering the beauty of Sangkhlaburi and the majestic Kao Len lake aboard a floating house.

Our children and volunteers took this opportunity to enjoy a bit longer of our guests’ company. So they rented another floating house to move along with our guests to guide and assist them. The spiritual energy of our guests bubbling up with the pearl of laughter and splashing of water of the children.
The combination of the purity of the ones with the innocence of the others. It was a unique experience that stole the hearts of our guests forever. In this way they will never forget this place and never forget us.