We would like to share with you an inspiring story, of how you can support your favorite charity and help keep your life free of unnecessary clutter at the same time.
Our Children’s Home operates solely through the funding that is provided by our generous donors and sponsors. Without this resource, Baan Unrak would not exist and the lives of over 130 children would look very different. Every donor is important to us, so it is a special time for everyone at Baan Unrak when we can thank a donor in person and throw a party!
Mr. Johannes Arvin, a generous and imaginative donor, made a special visit to Baan Unrak Children’s Home on November 10, 2019 to share the love of his family and friends with our children.

Having recently celebrated his 70th birthday, Mr. Arvin had thoughtfully requested of his friends and family to donate to the children of Baan Unrak in place of buying him a birthday gift this year. Mr. Arvin, a long time supporter of Baan Unrak, was then able to present this wonderful, collective gift to Didi and the children personally.

We were honored to be able to throw Mr. Arvin a belated birthday party where the children could celebrate and express their thanks by giving a dance and yoga presentation, a favorite pastime at Baan Unrak!
Mr. Arvin was also able to document his visit with photos and video in hopes of sharing the story, the work, and the needs that the women and children of Baan Unrak face every day.
And as per tradition, we couldn’t be missing to sing our “Thank You!” song.
Many thanks to Mr. Arvin and all his 70th birthday well-wishers!

Your combined generosity and thoughtfulness are very much appreciated!