Update about the School Bus donated by The Japanese Embassy – Bangkok (Click here to read the previous post)
It has been about one month since we met His Excellency Shiro SADOSHIMA at the Japanese Embassy.
In only a few days’ time, the donated money was deposited in our bank account and we quickly went to make our purchase order for the new bus.
It all went well, we bought our truck, but now it is at the garage to transform it into a bus. This cost is also supported by the Japanese Embassy.
There is a lot of work to do before we can receive our fully equipped School Bus, but we are hopeful that it will happen by the opening of the school year on 15 May, so that our children can travel safely and dry in the coming monsoon seasons.
One of the requirements of the Embassy is that we take good care of this donation and we are required to build a garage area and pay for all the taxes and transference of property ownership.
This is the way we used to travel, rain or shine!
And this is the way we used to go to the river to swim!
Once completed, our Bus will look like this. And this is the way the children will travel in comfort and safety from here on.
Of course, we are very happy for the benefit of this wonderful donation, but also, we realize that it is only the beginning of ongoing annual expenses:
Insurance and liability
Vehicle registration and inspections
Upgrading of drivers licenses for larger vehicle
Maintenance and tire replacements
I hope our sponsors will understand and still keep helping us.