Our children love our domestic animals but wild animals also soften their hearts. The interest we have for these little beings is innate for our children.
It is a story about one of our boy having fun outside. Suddenly a noise resounded and he saw a small shadow fall.
Without thinking twice, he ran to catch up with the little shadow and founds it to be a bird with a broken leg.

It's an emergency.
He immediately alerted the elders of the home. Finally it was agreed to go to the animal clinic. They know well how to treat animals.
When he got to the doctor, she came out of her house to see what's going on
The doctor came out and reassured our little boy. "It's fine, it just needs to be quiet for a week and it will fly again."

Indeed a week later our little bird flies away and landed on the roof next door. it looked like he wanted to say thank you.
The next adventure takes two of our boys into the jungle.
The jungle is a natural treasure and shelters many small beings.
In this adventure we witness this hidden world.

No need to look very far. Just look at our feet here are tiny little ants!

The water is a nice refuge for small crabs.

Oh what is down there??
It seems that our children have inner bond with the small creatures of the jungle. They know where to find them.
It was a giant crab!
There was an instant connection.
He knew how to handle it. He did it with a lot of grace and gentleness before let it go again.
We are quite familiar to encounter with these little beings.
When we go in the river, we often become astonished at what pass our way.
A cute shrimp that tickled our hand!!
A visitor came to Baan Unrak. He has a great love for snakes.

He find them in the most incredible places. It seems that he had a special
attraction for them.
We want our children to love them too. To overcome their natural fear and be able to see their beauty.

He taught to our children carefully how to handle them.
Some were afraid. Very soon, many came closer and became more confident.
A new magic unfolded and connected us in a very human level.
All the being of the universe are connected and are supporting each other in different ways.
We are glad that we learn how to love them and to care for them.
Wild animals regulate themselves naturally. It's important to know them and to assist them in any way we can. We should know more about the world around us.
