Recently, a long-awaited event took place: a fashion show. This show was fully made by Baan Unrak: the children were modeling, the designers of the show are our graduates and the event took place right here, in Baan Unrak – and it was imbued with the spirit of the children’s home.
Fashion show is not only entertainment, where we invite all our friends. This event has an important role: it is a chance for everybody to express themselves and explore their inner potential.
We first staged a fashion show a year ago and the event was a terrific success. The children were very passionate about it, they were tremblingly preparing to go on stage, and on the day of the event they blossomed like flower buds. This event is a part of their growing up, discovering their beauty.
Designers: Shubham and Kushuma
Kushuma is a Baan Unrak graduate who will always remain a little girl in our eyes. She is a fashion design student in Bangkok. Her talent and determination make her way to a brilliant future.
Shubham - we consider him one of our children. Baan Unrak is associated with several children's homes around the world and Shubham came to us from one of them located in India. He is inseparable from Baan Unrak, he is part of our extended family. His talent and radiant personality leave no one indifferent.
“It started with an idea. I wanted to involve only Baan Unrak children. They are all princes and princesses in my eyes and that is what I wanted to show,” – says Shubham.
The idea turned into a collection of amazing outfits, where our favorite fairy tale characters came to life: Alice, Cruella, Maleficent, princess, mermaid, devil, clown, magician, and others.
Kushuma is always in close touch with Baan Unrak children. She loves spending time with her younger sisters and brothers and involving them in her creative process.
This time she came to the Baan Unrak weaving center with a proposal to create an "Alice in Wonderland" collection. Thus the second part of the show was born.
“My biggest inspiration is the children, who dream of a journey in a wonderful fantasy world” – tells Kushuma.
“I was also inspired by the beautiful and unique pattern design on fabric created by Baan Unrak weaving.”
The final part of the show, "The Goddess Avenue” was also designed by Kushuma in collaboration with Baan Unrak weaving center. It presents the divine nature of human beings and you could see with your own eyes how children shined with divine light.
It was inspired by the myths about ancient Greek gods. Beauty, mystery, and fantasy make people feel special. Our children can relate to the characters and feel their strength and power.
The stage was never empty. Between the shows of the collections, other children could also express their creativity. The show became even more beautiful thanks to the fire show by Janako and the songs and dances prepared by our children.
This day was a manifestation of the talent, individuality and uniqueness of the children of Baan Unrak. We are happy and proud to be a part of their lifes and to support them on the way to their bright future.