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"AWAKENING OF THE DRAGON" – Our children play the Game of Life

We all have a Dragon, a Spiritual Power, within us...

Mythologically, she is called Radha.

Radha needs to go back to Krishna... She dreams about Him.

She is contemplating Him... in her mind.

But Radha is sleeping...


the Dragon within us lies dormant at the base of our spine...

We have to awaken our Dragon...

... and prepare the way for her to rise...

The Dragon needs to pass through all the Gates of Life,

to fully express our human potential.

The goal is to go back to Consciousness ( "The Ocean of Divine Love" )...

to be complete, to be whole.


Radha needs to be reunited with Krishna...

to be complete, to be whole.

But along her path, so many obstacles get in the way...

This is Radha's journey back Home. Back to Krishna...


It is our journey back Home too!

But along our path...

our mind & body is a battlefield!

There is a constant battle inside us between different emotions...

100 emotions ( Vrttis )! the number of children playing this Game!

These emotions are located at the different Gates of Life.

This is the first:

The Earth Gate

Muladhara Cakra

Located: at the base of our spine.

Controls: Solid factor

Here we find our 4 basic propensities

( represented by the 4 petals ):

Physical desire,

Psychic desire,

Psycho-Spiritual desire,

Spiritual desire.

Here, we have to choose...

How do we want to move through life?

And so the children chose their team... Each team reflects a mode in which people choose to pass through life...

The 4 Teams:


They need so many things. They are busy entertaining themselves in search for happiness...


They also want to be happy. They look for happiness by acquiring knowledge...


They are the ones who fight for social justice. They want happiness for all...


They long for the Great... They also want happiness, and they search for it in the Infinite Ocean of Love...

The children started playing the...

Earth Games! the attempt to open the Earth Gate for their Dragon to pass through...


The Dragon awoke...

...only after hearing the "Magic Words" ( the calling of the Mantra ).

Now she can go through the Earth Gate!

The next is...

The Water Gate

Svadhisthana Cakra

Located: 6-8 fingers above the coccyx

Controls: Liquid factor

Here we find 6 propensities

( represented by the 6 petals ):

over-indulgence, psychic stupor, distrust, disdain, pitilessness, terror.

The children are playing...

Water Games! order to clear the way for their Dragon to move forward...

The Dragon is rising up!

...piercing through the Water Gate!

Next comes...

The Fire Gate

Manipura Cakra

Located: at the navel

Controls: Luminous factor

Here we find 10 propensities

( represented by the 10 petals ):

attachment, craving, jealousy, hatred, fear, shyness, cruelty, irritability, lethargy, melancholy.

Also this gate must be opened, to help the Dragon to pass through,

so the children play the...

Fire Games!

The Dragon is rising higher up...

...piercing through the Fire Gate!

The next is...

The Air Gate

Anahata Cakra

Locat: in the middle of the chest

Controls: Aerial factor

Here we find 12 propensities

( represented by the 12 petals ):

effortfulness, conscience, repentance, thoughtfulness, conceit, arrogance, greediness, talkativeness, hypocrisy, hope, depression, love & affection.

The children play the...

Air Games!

The Dragon is rising even higher...

...piercing through the Air Gate!

Then comes...

The Space Gate

Vishuddha Cakra

Located: at the throat

Controls: Ethereal factor

Here we find 16 propensities:

desire for collective physical welfare, desire for collective psychic welfare, desire for universal welfare, harmonious sweetness, poisonous harshness, complete surrender to the Supreme.

The children play the...

Space Games!

The Dragon rises even higher...

...piercing through the Space Gate!

The 5 Elements ( Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space ) are conquered.

The Dragon is finally at the...

Mind Gate

Ajna Cakra

Located: between the eyebrows

Controls: Center of the Mind

Here we find 2 propensities:

worldly knowledge, spiritual knowledge.

While the children are flying their colorful kites ( from each color of the Rainbow )...

The Dragon pierces through the Mind Gate!

Going beyond the Mind...

The 100 children ( the "100 Emotions" ) have reached the end of the Game. They are at peace... and triumphant!

They are carrying Radha back to Krishna.

Now she is with Krishna...

They are together! a happy, ecstatic, much longed reunion.

The Dragon has merged into the Ocean of Divine Love...!

and Radha... is with her beloved.

This is the video of the Game...

Enjoy "The Awakening of the Dragon" on YouTube:

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