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Goodbye Ceremony for a Child Leaving Baan Unrak

Fon came 7 years ago, when she was 11 years old.

She came to us with a bad story…

In the photos below, She is with her mother before she passed away.

Fon lived with us and she grew up, through the ups and downs of teenage life.

She made many connections with the children here. She made friends.

Growing up, she contributed to take care of the little children.

Now the time has come for her to move on…

A social worker from the village found her a job in a safe place, where people will still look after her. She will still be protected.

She can continue to study, and she can work.

And so,

We had a Goodbye ceremony for Fon!

Fon received a special present…

She left with all the good wishes and blessings from each one of us…

Good Luck, Health, Peace, Love… and lot of Happiness in your life!

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